Lab News

Paper published: Aphids associated with Carthamus in Iran with the description of the hitherto unknown male of Uroleucon carthami (Hille Ris Lambers, 1948) (Hemi.: Aphididae) (3 June 2024)

Paper published: Aphids associated with Lamiaceae in Iran with redescription of Ovatus mentharius (van der Goot, 1913) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) (2 March 2024)

Narjes Mohammadalizadeh successfully defended her Master Thesis entitled “Morphometric study on the Aphis species associated with host plants of Lamiaceae”. (13 September 2023)


Welcome to the Aphidology Research Group (Mehrparvar Lab.), dedicated to the study of aphid’s ecology and systematics.

Graduate University of Advanced Technology

Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences