Head of Research Group

Associate Professor
Department of Biodiversity, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, IRAN
e-mails: mehrparvar[at]aphidology.com

Dr. Seyed Mozaffar Mansouri
Associate Professor
Department of Biodiversity, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, IRAN
e-mail: m.mansouri.89[at]gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Adalbert Balog
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Technical Science, Sapientia University, Tirgu-Mures, ROMANIA
e-mail: adalbert.balog[at]gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Ehsan Rakhshani
Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol, Zabol, IRAN
e-mail: erakhshani[at]gmail.com

Dr. Mojtaba Hosseini
Associate Professor
Department of Plant Protection, Collage of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, IRAN
e-mail: m.hosseini[at]um.ac.ir
M. Sc. Students
Former status: Technician

Asma Rajaei
M. Sc.
e-mail: asma_rajaei[at]yahoo.com

Raana Norozi
M. Sc.
e-mail: raana.norozi[at]gmail.com

Dr. Eliza Pourtaghi
e-mail: elizapour[at]yahoo.com
Former status: PhD student

Dr. Neda Sedighi
Thesis title: Species diversity of aphids, their parasitoids and mutualistic ants on crop and herbaceous plants in North Khorasan province
e-mail: nsedighy[at]gmail.com
Former status: M. Sc. student

Narjes Mohammad-Alizadeh
M. Sc.
Thesis title: Morphometric study on the Aphis species associated with host plants of Lamiaceae
e-mail: narjesmohamadalizadeh[at]gmail.com

Seyedeh Homa Mohseni Sangtabi
M. Sc.
Thesis title: Investigating the effects of drought stress and mycorrhizal fungi on bean plant and green pea aphid
e-mail: homamohseni1369[at]gmail.com

Mohammad Molazadeh
M. Sc.
Thesis title: Faunistic study of aphids of Family Aphididae in Kashmar County
e-mail: m.molazadeh73[at]gmail.com

Zeynab Bameri-Din
M. Sc.
Thesis title: Faunistic study of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on some plants in Iranshahr County
e-mail: z.bameri.d.1372[at]gmail.com

Nahid Mehni
Ph.D. Student
Thesis title: Faunistic study of aphids (Hem.: Aphididae) associated with Poaceae in Northern parts of Kerman province
e-mail: nahidmehni68[at]gmail.com

Moein Rokni
M. Sc.
Thesis title: Faunistic study of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Baft county (Phase I)
e-mail: rokni.moein[at]gmail.com

Motahare Amiri
Ph.D. Student
Thesis title: Induced resistance caused by feeding of ssfflower aphid, cotton bollworm and mechanical wound in safflower varieties
e-mail: motahare.amiri123[at]gmail.com

Fatemeh Seydabadi
M. Sc.
Thesis title: Interaction of heavy metals Zn and Ni on population growth and reproduction of Uroleucon carthami (Hem.: Aphididae) and growth parameters of safflower
e-mail: fateme.seydabadi70[at]gmail.com

Zahra Gorji
Ph.D. Student
Thesis title: Indirect effects of urea fertilizer and vermicompost on safflower aphid Uroleucon carthami (Hem.: Aphididae) and its parasitoid wasp Praon yomenae (Hym.: Braconidae)
e-mail: zahragorji88[at]gmail.com

Saeideh Mosapour
M. Sc.
Thesis title: Faunistic survey of aphids and their parasitoid wasps in Sirjan city and study of effects of different canola varieties on mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Hem.: Aphididae) and its parasitoid wasp, Diaeretiella rapae (Hym.: Braconidae)
e-mail: s.mosapour[at]yahoo.com
Updated on 2024-08-07